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Small Groups

Explore small groups and discipleship opportunities for adults at Crossroads Nazarene Church.

Small Groups

At Crossroads Nazarene Church, we are real people who have found real hope in the life changing transformation of knowing and following Jesus. We simply want as many people as possible to experience that same hope and freedom. We believe that the best way to do that is through the study of the Bible, prayer and listening to the Holy Spirit, and in relationship with other believers. Because of this, we focus on small, relational Bible study and mentoring (or discipleship) groups.

Many of our groups study the Bible using the "Discipled by Jesus" method, explained below. This is a great frame work for groups to understand Scripture together, grow in their relationships with one another, and encourage one another in living our their Christian faith every day.

From time to time, our small groups also study specific curriculum.

Check back here for information about ongoing or new groups. We know it can be intimidating to try a small group for the first time. Our leaders are happy to follow up with you one-on-one.

Discipled by Jesus

"Discipled by Jesus" is a practical method of reading the Bible and applying it to your life. As Jesus taught and mentored the Twelve Disciples, He asked them five simple questions. By answering the same five simple questions, you will be empowered to see Jesus for who He is. This will allow you to line up your own thinking, choices, and life to match what Jesus wants for your life.

For more information, please check out the book Discipled by Jesus by Hal Perkins.

Who do you say I am?

Who has Jesus been to and for you?

Do You know and UNDERSTAND what I have done?

What is Jesus doing for you, in you, and through you? How is that impacting you, your loved ones, and others in your life?

Are you really listening to me?

Jesus speaks to us through His Word (the Bible), through His Spirit, and through other Christ-followers. Are you listening for Jesus's direction and guidance from these three sources? What is he saying?

Do You Truly Love me? Then, Feed My sheep.

Jesus' sheep includes YOU, your family, other Christ-followers, and those who have yet to believe in Jesus as Savoir. Who is Jesus asking you to care for? How are you supposed to care for him or her this week?

Do You Believe Me?

Do you really believe in who Jesus is, what He has given you, and what He is asking you to do? It's okay to struggle with doubt or anxiety. Acknowledge where you need help, and ask for it if you need it.

Have questions?